Sunday, August 23, 2020

Safe Sex, Or Is It

The quantity of adolescents having intercourse is expanding each year. With explicitly transmitted maladies common like never before, the Philadelphia Board of Education has chosen to permit high schoolsto disseminate condoms to understudies. The leading group of Education isdoing this, to exhibit to understudies that protected sex is a goodidea. I concur with the circulation of condoms in open highschools since it advances safe sex among adolescents, allowsschools to enhance parental training, and educates sexualresponsibility. Explicitly transmitted maladies influence young people since someteenagers are not told the results of unprotected sex. Other than restraint, condoms are the best defender from sexuallytransmitted ailments. Secondary schools that circulate the condomsshow that they would prefer not to see kids tainted with diseasesor a young lady to get pregnant. Proceeding to advance safesex, the secondary schools and the Board of Education decline thechances of young people coming down with an infection or getting pregnant. The advancement in regards to safe sex, nearly appears theconversation a parent would have with their kid about sex. The Board of Education advances safe sex that approach to make thesubject of safe sex progressively agreeable for a parent to converse with hisor her kid about safe sex. The circulation of condoms in secondary schools permits the Boardof Education and open secondary schools to intercede as a parentalfigure and offer parental guidance. Their are a great deal of households,were the guardians don't trouble themselves with their youngsters andlet their children go crazy. Children who are brought up in thosecircumstances now and then will have intercourse to get the consideration theywant and to be cherished. The conveyance of condoms shows that theBoard of Education and open secondary schools care about the welfareof adolescents. A few guardians item to secondary schools distributingcondoms, on the grounds that the guardians state the Board of Education and the secondary schools send an inappropriate message. A few guardians gripe thatthe Board of Education is advancing pre-marriage sex. Theseparents state that the best strategy of forestalling sickness andpregnancy is to rehearse restraint. The Board of Educationargues that in the event that the understudies choose to engage in sexual relations, at that point they shouldbe secured. This is the reason condoms are being conveyed. It isnot to state Go ahead and engage in sexual relations, however on the off chance that an understudy chooses tohave sex, that understudy ought to ensure his or herself. Thedecision to engage in sexual relations is the understudies obligation. Disseminating condoms likewise shows duty, by givingthe understudy the chance to ensures his or herself. TheBoard of Education and open secondary schools show young people tolook at the circumstances and choose for his or herself what is correct, and what's going on. All things considered, the adolescents are the oneswho settle on the choice whether to engage in sexual relations. As teenagersget more established, their obligations increment, however with sexuallytransmitted illnesses and adolescent pregnancy, the teenagersresponsibility begins when they choose to engage in sexual relations. The Board ofEducation feels that the duty of safe sex isn't theparents, yet the adolescents. The appropriation of condoms is an earnest motion by theBoard of Education, and by permitting secondary schools to do this itshows that the secondary schools care about their understudies. Condomdistribution advances security, and it instructs duty. Themembers of the Board of Education realize what it resembles to be ateenager and a parent, and the Board of Education doesn't wantto see another young person become pregnant, or more beyond words beingirresponsible and having unprotected sex. The Board of Educationwants to see young people getting a charge out of secondary school. Secondary school is animportant step in a youngster s life and if adolescents are educatedabout all parts of life and showed duty, they willgrow up to be full grown-ups.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Kindergarten Curriculum Essay Essay Example

Kindergarten Curriculum Essay I. Presentation â€Å"The first mature ages of life are of import since what occurs in youth can include in an actual existence time. † ( Harvard. 2009 ) The Department of Education ( DepEd ) holding been a solid advocator of youth guidance has executed grouped designs for kindergartners for decennaries now. The Department farther reinforces this through the incorporation of kindergarten in the K to 12 fundamental guidance course of study in the state. DepEd trusts Kindergarten is a section stage between casual proficiency and formal education ( grade 1-12 ) . This is the time of most prominent developing and improvement. at the point when the encephalon grows most rapidly. about at its fullest. It is a period when strolling. talking. self-respect. vision of the universe and good establishments are set up. Youngsters at this stage ought to be inundated with exercises. games. what's more, plays to obviously get the right stuff/capabilities proper for their all encompassing advancement as emanant literates and be prepared for formal school. We will compose a custom paper test on Kindergarten Curriculum Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Kindergarten Curriculum Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Kindergarten Curriculum Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Orchestrating to National Association for the Education of Young Children ( NAEYC ) kindergarten is a basic twelvemonth where children’s encounters support positive assaults to larning and fix kids for the more exacting scholarly viewpoints of the essential classs ( NAEYC. 2009 ) . Subsequently. kindergarten teachers should guide the researchers using a connecting with and originative course of study that is formatively fitting. Republic ACT 10157 other than known as the Kindergarten Education Act which was marked into statute by President Benigno Aquino III on Jan. 20 makes kindergarten â€Å"the first period of mandatory and obligatory proper guidance. † For government funded schools. the kindergarten guidance plan will be liberated from educational cost and other school expenses. With the Kindergarten Education Act. the kindergarten guidance plan will be involved one twelvemonth of preschool guidance for kids matured five and supra. The demonstration other than pushes for the conceptualisation and improvement of a normal planning plan for kindergarten teachers to ensure that learning habits. methodological analysiss and assaults are ever in accordance with present day propensities in and issues on guidance. K to 12 Curriculum Guide †Kindergarten †form as of January 31. 2012 1 K TO 12 †KINDERGARTEN II. System The Kindergarten Curriculum Framework draws from the principles and parts of the bargains to 12 Philippine Basic Education Curriculum Framework. It is comparatively lined up with National Early Learning Framework ( NELF ) . It unmistakably delineates the formative endeavors and mileposts of 5 to multi year-olds and how teachers can control them to grow comprehensively. Figure 1. The Kindergarten Curriculum Framework K to 12 Curriculum Guide †Kindergarten †form as of January 31. 2012 2 K TO 12 †KINDERGARTEN The model is made out of two sections. The rectangular figures show the instructing learning hypothetical bases. get bringing down with the complete Developmentally Appropriate Practices ( DAP ) . so making a trip up to the principles and taking to the assaults. The hover comprises of three boss constituents. ( 1 ) Developmental Domains. ( 2 ) Learning Areas. what's more, the ( 3 ) Curricular Themes. At the inside is the Filipino child who is imagined to be practically proficient and comprehensively created. A. Standards A formatively proper course of study is one that is age-suitable. independently proper and socio-socially suitable ( NAEYC. 2009 ) This Kindergarten model considers the formative benchmarks of Filipino five-year-olds. suggests the utilization of plans that address requests and contributions of the researchers. also, utilizes the female parent lingua as mode of course. Preschoolers are perpetually creating in the various circles ( subjective. etymological correspondence. physical. originative and tasteful. socio-enthusiastic. also, qualities and character ) . The National Early Learning Framework ( NELF ) . figured by the Early Childhood Care and Development Council. sees the Filipino Child as the majority of import in addition to of the state. NELF promotes its situation of the Filipino Child as†¦ †¦as a person who cherishes God. guardians. also, state ; is pleased to be a Filipino ; respects the imposts. customs and great estimations of the individuals. knows his/her essential rights ; regards different developments and can populate in harmony and concordance with all. Along these lines get bringing down at an early age the child must be thought about and given all the odds to go to current formative requests and fix him/her for belly to-burial place securing. Kindergarten schoolrooms. consequently. ought to staggered on the grounds that preschoolers will vary in their advancement in every circle. Coming up next are condition of affairss that a kindergarten educator should set to mind. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. each schoolroom is a staggered schoolroom each teacher is a staggered facilitator each researcher is distant from everyone else each researcher has impossible to miss knowledge or insights each researcher has his/her ain securing habits each researcher has his/her ain curious requests a. subjective b. physical c. socio-enthusiastic 3 K to 12 Curriculum Guide †Kindergarten †form as of January 31. 2012. K TO 12 †KINDERGARTEN 7. each researcher has his/her ain explicit needs and contributions 8. each securing has an option to grow unambiguously from the others This model maintains the 16 ( 16 ) general principles of the NELF as ushers on ( 1 ) kid developing and improvement ( 2 ) larning plan advancement and ( 3 ) larning appraisal advancement: 1. ON CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT The supporters are the general managing rules on kid developing and improvement: 1. Each child is distant from everyone else. Development and improvement changes from child to child of which the initial six mature ages of life are generally basic. He/she wants to larn and is best done through significant and existent encounters. 2. Each feature of developing and advancement is interrelated and mutualist. The child should be sustained in a decent and caring condition that improves sound and solid associations with different children and most significant adults. 3. The procurement and advancement of each child includes a progression of unpredictable and dynamic techniques that are best gone to in an increasingly positive and antiphonal mode. 4. The child must be urged to draw a dab on past one’s ain level of achievements and to design newly gained skills. 5. Each child is an idea. voyaging. feeling and synergistic homo having the option to effectively participate in the obtaining and improvement of self image with regards to one’s family unit and network including social and profound convictions. 2. ON LEARNING PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT The supporters are the general controlling standards on larning plan advancement: 6. The learning plan is kid focused. It advances the all encompassing way by which juvenile children turn and create ; and perceives the capacity of families and networks to back up the child through arranged periods of developing and improvement. K to 12 Curriculum Guide †Kindergarten †form as of January 31. 2012 4 K TO 12 †KINDERGARTEN 7. The learning plan is suitable for building up the circles of advancement distinguished in the NELF ; and must drag out contribution in dynamic securing of every single youthful child incorporating those with specific capacities. are minimized and additionally at peril. 8. The learning plan is actualized by way of differing securing exercises that might be improved with engineerings, for example, synergistic remote and sound/video cartridge holders for larning nations. 9. The use of larning stuffs and different assets that are privately evolved as well as locally accessible is supported. 10. The female parent lingua will be utilized as the child’s etymological correspondence of larning in the early mature ages and will be perceived as a range phonetic correspondence of larning. 3. ON LEARNING ASSESSMENT The supporters are the general directing standards on larning appraisal advancement: 11. Examination is done to oversee larning. cognize where the child and advise guardians regarding the child’s progression. 12. Examination is irreplaceable to putting the child’s whole formative requests and does non discover scholastic achievement. 13. Examination is best directed on a customary balance with the goal that an ideal reaction might be made to better larning nations. 14. The results of the evaluation of securing of a child will be kept absolutely private 15. Assessments ought to be subjective/illustrative and non only numerical. 16. The family and network might be educated regarding the general consequences of larning in the early mature ages in order to advance farther collaboration and associations The model embraces instructing learning assaults that are constructivist. integrative. topical. community oriented. one n Q U I r Y †b a s nutrient E nutrient D and intelligent. so as to be lined up with Developmentally Appropriate Practices. NELF and K to 12 Framework. K to 12 Curriculum Guide †Kindergarten †form as of January 31. 2012 5 K TO 12 †KINDERGARTEN B. Segment 1: The Developmental Domains and Benchmarks/Expectations Component 1: shows the formative circles spoke to by the six interlocked eclipsiss. They are orchestrated to sort out a blossom so as to pressure Erikson’s epigenetic rule. This standard expresses that improvement occurs through a continuous blooming. The child is viewed as being in the procedu

Friday, August 21, 2020

Object and Opt-out on Moral or Religious Grounds

Question and Opt-out on Moral or Religious Grounds Hashtag: #HDPyasambildirgesi (HDP Declaration of Life) Protest and Opt-out on Moral or Religious Grounds Non-acknowledgment of the privilege to faithful protest is a suffering and profoundly questionable issue in Turkey and as of late, HDP (Haklarm Demokratik Partisi), the country’s driving resistance vowed to legitimize it if their up-and-comers win the June 2015 parliamentary political race. Upright protest or CO as per UN Commission on Human Rights is the privilege of each person to question on grounds of still, small voice yet various states, for example, Turkey are reluctant to remember it as a significant human right. Inner voice or our feeling of right or wrong is in actuality the center highlights of a person’s good and otherworldly character. Ordinarily, individuals denied support or association in something since it is against their good and strict principles. For model, a few people would pass on war due to their profoundly inserted good, moral, or strict conviction that executing another person isn't right. Note that individual code, political, sociological, philosophical, mental, and other down to earth reasons are not acknowledged the reason for a reliable protest. Understudies at open or government-sponsored tuition based schools are allowed to go to religion classes yet they can likewise decide not to and practice their entitlement to principled protest on good or strict grounds. The option to protest is additionally pertinent to an immense scope of issues, for example, promise taking, mandatory energetic activities, school educational plans, and others that might be effectively allowed due schools’ commitment to fulfill its nonpartisanship commitment. For example, a student’s protesting on a socially fair and race segregating educational plan might be permitted to quit or absolve him from course necessities. In any case, like upright issue with military help, custom work on, living course of action, and others, the complaint made on good or strict grounds should finish the assessment of truthfulness. Need to know more? Go here: Womens Right to Education Assuaging Students School-Related Stressâ Creating Students Creativity and Self-Expression Smoking in Public Places Should Be Banned The Misdemeanors of Well-Educated People in Public Office Testing the Sincerity of the Conscience Most instructive foundations have formal strategies allowing understudies at all levels to practice their entitlement to principled protest. In clinical schools, for example, understudies are permitted to utilize choices if testing of certain research facility creatures, for example, mice, hound, felines, bunnies, and others disregards their still, small voice. In the United States, the privilege to honest issue with dismemberment in instructive activities is ensured by law and school approaches approving instructors to participate and build up a satisfactory option with their understudies. The privilege to scrupulous complaint is possibly helpless against misuse, for example, keeping away from the laborious preparing and threat related with military assistance. It is, in this manner, important to find out whether the complaint is really founded on still, small voice as opposed to individual code or theory throughout everyday life. An understudy practicing the privilege to principled complaint and quitting strict training class should plainly exhibit that going to such class abuses their still, small voice. For example, the privilege might be allowed if the understudy is an individual from another strict gathering or undeniable proof of a strict conviction that getting strict encouraging other than their own evangelist or cleric is a wrongdoing. Essentially, a student’s faithful protest on racially separating and socially fair educational program must be joined by solid conviction or verification of true and significant and suffering conviction that is opposing to that of the educational program.

Catering business free essay sample

Providing food Services Owners. The investigation will give them chance to give what they had encountered in setting up he business with the goal that others will be offered chance to examine the outcomes they are confronting and maintain a strategic distance from the conceivable issue it might got what's to come. †¢Future Entrepreneurs. The discoveries of the investigation will help them a great deal in considering the potential results and factors in setting up providing food benefits with the goal that they can survey unreservedly and when they choose to set up an efficient cooking administrations they will precisely recognize what they ought to do. The Hotel and Restaurant Management Students. The investigation which will be the yield of this examination could be of extraordinary assistance to HRIM understudies since it will permit them to learn and audit the various strategies in cooking administrations. It very well may be utilized as a source of perspective in their examinations in regards to cooking administration to give them an imperative data and better understanding and furnish them with information. We will compose a custom article test on Providing food business or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Clients. This examination will assist the costumers with understanding the activity and empower them to assess or asses the issues experienced in cooking administrations. †¢The Researchers. Through this investigation, they will have a successful method of show packaging what they have realized and thought of a yield, through creation an exploration study that would be good for other people. This examination will likewise this investigation will fill in as foundation and included data how to build up a fruitful beginning in a providing food administrations business, this examination will likewise empower the specialist to be increasingly clever and productive in the field of this examination. Degree and Limitations of the Study This examination entitled â€Å"Success Indicators among Catering Services in Cavite City† will cover the various encounters of chosen proprietors of providing food benefits in Cavite City. Their encounters and proposals will be utilized and help a ton of future business people in putting same business. Illustrative techniques for research will be utilized in the examination and an aggregate of ten (10) Catering Services proprietors will be included as respondents to this investigation, and they are Chat’s Catering, Dapsy Catering, Mark Pintados Catering Services, Lynagails Catering, Jukemi Restaurant and Catering Services, Eugenelyn’s Catering Services, Flower and Bees Catering Services, RM Catering Services, S’ymor Food House and Catering Services and P-enoys Catering which will be picked by the scientists through accommodation inspecting.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Fail Safe (1964) Extreme Cases and Movie Analysis Paper - 1100 Words

Fail Safe (1964) Extreme Cases and Movie Analysis Paper (Movie Review Sample) Content: Philip MutuaTopWriterListLiterature15th February 2017Fail Safe (1964) AnalysisIn the event of danger, it is in the nature of man to act on impulse. In extreme cases, one may find him or herself taking measures that a rational thinker would not. At times, the case may be because of obligation or even be a result of instinct directive. Such are the messages that war films pass. The film industry goes a long way in informing the audience certain aspects of war about which one can never think. Watching a war film is similar to reading a book about the same war, but has a more lasting impression than reading. In as much as the movie industry may be all about creativity, some film producers base their films on actual events of the war that happened over time. Such films educate and bring to life the memories of the personalities that presented in these films.Fail safe (1964) is one such film based on reality. The reality of the film is that it has the cold war as its theme and tries to explain what the effects of the war may have been. Sidney Lumet directed the film. Henry Fonda stars in the movie as the president of the United States and faces the threat of a nuclear war with the Soviets. Other characters in the film include Walter Matthau as professor Groeteschele, and Dan O'Herlihy has the role of General Black. The film was an adaptation from a book fail safe written by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler. The film did an excellent job in bringing to life the written publication. Lumet tells the story of the cold war from the soldiers perspective as well as that of the government. There were many decisions to make in the course of the war, some of which were very tough on the decision makers.The book follows the story of the Strategic Air Command officers who had to keep the United States protected from imminent attacks by the Soviet Union. The film is all about trying to stop an attack on the Soviet Union. The attack was a response from detection o f unidentified flying object on the American airspace. Thinking that the UFO could be a sign of trouble from the Soviet Union, bombers are instructed to go ahead and drop bombs in Moscow. The United States anticipated war so much that it had bombers ready in the event of the first sign of war from Moscow. The United States has to make desperate decisions as a way of protecting its people from probable atomic attacks on the country by the Soviet Union. However, its attempt to call off the air strike on Moscow is futile.In as much as the film has some aspect of accuracy in it, there was no bombing during the cold war as the film supposes. However, there is historical accuracy in the command of the American Airspace. The Strategic Air Command was instrumental in the deterrence of nuclear attacks on the United States during the cold war (Karsten, 809). Its presence in the film as the part of the force that protects the United States from Air strikes, therefore, brings some along some hi storical accuracy in the film. In the light of such, the film qualifies as a source of information on the cold war. Better still, it creates an image of what the situation may have been if the war culminated in nuclear air strikes. Desperate measures, such as bombing ones city in a bid to prevent war could, perhaps not have materialized. The Soviet Union may still have gone ahead to attack the United States.The film, however, shows clearly the anxiety caused by atomic energy. While some people argue that development of the atomic bomb helped end the Second World War fast, it did cause a lot of anxiety among countries (The Dawn of the Atomic Age). Had there not been so much anxiety, the United States would not have kept bombers ready to attack. There would have been peace, and people would have run their businesses as normal. This was a race between the United States and the Soviet Union on who was more superior to the other, but there was still fear among them on who may attack firs t. Following success in the atomic bomb venture by the Soviet Union, President Truman commissioned research into hydrogen bombs (Soviet Atomic Bomb)! The film shows the aftermath of the tension between the two countries.Columbia Pictures released and showed the film on the second New York Film Festival (Crowther). Crowther, in the New York Times review refers the film as a story of what may happen if a flight of American bombers should accidentally be directed to fly over the Soviet Union and drop nuclear bombs. The audience, therefore, received the film as an indicator of what could have happened in the course of the cold war in the event that any single mistake was made. It manages to do so as it shows the situation on all fronts. The audience can see that the events are the aftermath of errors by both the Soviet Union and the Strategic Air Command unit being too quick to act. Upon discovery that it was a false alarm, poor communication because of the soviets disrupting American c ommunication system renders attempts to reach the bombers futile.The central message Fail safe (1964) revolves around difficult choices that governments and soldi...

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Nutrition - 275 Words

Nutrition (Research Proposal Sample) Content: Name Tutor Course Date of submission Annotated Bibliography Galperin, Anne. Nutrition. New York: Chelsea House, Publishers,ÂÂ  2012. Print. In this book, Anne examines the basics that make up proper nutrition. She studies the various categories of nutrients, their importance in the human body, and the complications that diet and nutritional deficiencies, relevant information for this study. The book further elaborates the health issues that raise concerns to the general public. Haugen, David M, and Susan Musser. Nutrition. Detroit: Greenhaven Press/Gale Cengage Learning,ÂÂ  2012. Print. This book entails a collection of essays that present expert viewpoints regarding nutrition, dietary supplements, obesity, and organic foods. A review has been conducted involving various experts' views regarding industrialized food and nutrition. The book is important since it uses America as the case to explore the changes in nutrition, the nutritional changes due to changes in food production methods, and their effects among people of different classes in the society. "Index." The Road to Good NutritionÂÂ  (2013): 195-208. Print. This journal focuses on human metabolism, nutrition, and related areas such as basic science and experimental studies that inform human nutrition. It concentrates on the poor and how the existing laws can be manipulated such as lowering the insurance rates and reducing their tax levels to improve the diet health concerns among the poor. Law, Ka-po. "Systematic review on the association between nutrition labelling and choice of healthier food." Print. Through the analysis of various public health issues, Ka-po reveals the relationships between nutrition and various non-communicable diseases. The study is important as it covers various factors that influence the labeling choices such as income levels in determining the health decisions made. The income of people has been analyzed to affect the labeling choices which on the other hand influence people's nutrition which determine their health condition. Viroj, Wiwanitkit. Genes and Nutrition. New York: Nova Biomedical Books,ÂÂ  2010. Print. The journal offers details about WIC's programs regarding nutrition education, health care referrals, and supplement foods provided to the low-income women. The article is important as it provides dietary information provided such as the effects of poor nutrition and bad eating habits. It identifies the group to be at nutrition risk since they lack the resources and access to affordable and healthy foods. Wic Farmers' Market Nutrit...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Students Rights Essay - 1887 Words

In the constitution we the people are guaranteed certain rights. Those rights include life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These are guaranteed to the people as long as we follow the laws of the land. There are twenty-seven amendments to the United States constitution. The most important one in my opinion, is the first one. It states â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.† (Constitutional Topic: Student Rights - The U.S. Constitution Online - Although these rights apply to everyone,†¦show more content†¦The Tinker’s took this to court saying that it violated their first amendment rights. They appealed it all the way up to the Supreme Court. And the court ruled that students hardly shed the constitut ional rights when they step inside school building. In addition schools cannot deny students freedom of speech. I completely agree with this ruling, some students in high schools are 18. Also, they have voting rights, they can go to war, and they can be charged as adults for any crime. Yet these students can’t say what they want to because they are in a school. They have the right to die for their country but they can’t say what they want. It doesn’t make sense as why the rules restrict so much that is unnecessary. Also teens are some of the most active protestors and probably one of the more involved age groups involved in what they believe. The Supreme Court once said, â€Å"It is†¦ this kind of openness †¦ that is the basis of our National Strength and of the independence and vigor of Americans† (Cary 27). America was built on people who stood up against â€Å"the man† and so my logic is that students should have the same rights in sc hools to get what they want out of their education. As to any freedom, there are limitations. Such as in the real world, if one was to say they were going to harm someone, then they would be inShow MoreRelatedSelecting The Right College : An Electronic Guide For Counselors And Students936 Words   |  4 Pagesan important decision for a first year college student and most students may not know which is the right school for them. The two literature review article that I have chosen is â€Å" Selecting the Right College: An Electronic Guide for Counselors and Students† by Markham B. Schack and the second one is â€Å"The Guidance Counselor’s Role in Advising College-Bound Students† by Samuel Brodbelt and the last one is â€Å"The College Search Process: Finding the Right College Match† by Michael Hills. 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Celebrate a Chinese-Style Birthday

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Legal Drinking Age Of The United States - 1270 Words

Throughout the world, the age when a child becomes an adult is at the age 18. Most people gain the right to vote, start to work for themselves, drive in certain countries. All of this being said, an additional privilege is the ability for one to be able to legally drink. The United States is one of the only countries who ´s legal drinking age is separate from the declared age of an official adult under the law. The idea of putting restrictions on a â€Å"legal† adult, makes the issue more complicated for that their are still restrictions that make an adult like a child. The legal drinking age in the United States should be lowered to the age of 18 because it will not only give the full right of passage into adulthood, but it is important to keep on par with our international community in terms of underlying laws to each government and their respective cultures. After all that has been stated in the magazine Mental Floos, an article written by Ethan Trex titled Why is the Drinking Age 21, there are some historical contrarieties among the legal drinking age as for the U.S. The U.S has had a history of attempting to restrict and control drinking in America, especially during the 20th century with the examples of the Prohibition where no matter what, people found ways to drink. The Prohibition was nationwide ban of the transportation of alcohol beverages. After the end of this period, state governments had the power over the years to have fluctuating drinking ages, making itShow MoreRelatedThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States Essay1385 Words   |  6 Pagesbefore when they went out drinking. It is a common fact that most teenagers have had a drink of alcohol before their twenty-first birthday. Most teenagers drink regularly or in some cases, binge drink. Nobody can prevent underage drinking. When people tell a teenagers they cannot have something, it inclines them to want it even more and teenagers will go to extreme lengths to obtain it. In 1984, Congress passed the law stating the legal drinking age in the United States was twenty-one (Alcoholism)Read MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States965 Words   |  4 Pages In the United States, when a man or women turn eighteen they are considered an adult. Being eighteen, they are not acknowledged as teenagers anymore. They have more freedom and more opportunities to become independent. Some of the opportunities an eighteen years old are given are the right to vote, open bank accounts, lease their own apartment or join the military. They have equal opportunities like adults over the age of twenty-one. However, anyone between the age of eighteen through twenty areRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States Essay1500 Words   |  6 PagesThe legal drinking age in the United States was ruled to be 21 in 1984, setting the country apart from almost all other western nations. These past 30 years have contained as much problems regarding the consumption of alcohol as one of the country’s biggest failures ever, the 18th amendment, otherwise known as prohibition. Also, the legal drinking age in the United States can be considered violation of states liberties, as the national government, albeit with good intentions, has intervened and onlyRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States2408 Words   |  10 PagesThe Legal Drinking Age The legal drinking age in the United States is 21, while in other countries the legal age ranges from 16-18. The argument in the United States is, â€Å"Should the United States lower its drinking age?† There are many sides to this argument but research has given many good points to back up both sides of the question. First issue is the difference between a teen’s brain with alcohol and an adult’s brain with alcohol. Another concern is that drinking at a younger age can help teachRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States1479 Words   |  6 Pages The legal drinking age in the United States has been argued for many decades. The current minimal legal drinking age is twenty-one but some want to lower between eighteen and twenty. The main focus of the research conducted and opinions of people are based on the minimal legal drinking age of eighteen. The research is taken from the 1970s, when the twenty-sixth Amendment was passed in the Constitution (Wage naar, 206). It was stated that eighteen is the â€Å"age of majority†, so thirty-nine of theRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States920 Words   |  4 Pages The legal drinking age has always been a debatable topic that people argue about all the time. Alcohol has been a drug problem for the majority of our young adults all around the world. The goal is to decrease the effects of underage drinking In the United States by keeping the legal drinking law 21. Every state had the right to their own legal drinking age, therefore during the 1970 1980’s some states had 21 while others had 18. This problem was carried over when teenagers got behindRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States1345 Words   |  6 PagesWith food, there comes a variety of cultural differences with beverages. One of the most popular drink markets in the United States is energy drinks. This industry has grown significantly in the past ten years, and many of the companie s are household names, such as Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar Energy. While they have mainstream success in the United States, many countries look down on these products because of their use of certain supplements, such as excess amounts of caffeine of taurine. SomeRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Of The United States1783 Words   |  8 PagesPersuasive-Research Essay The legal drinking age in the United States is 21, while in other countries the legal age ranges from 16-18. The argument in the United States is â€Å"Should the United States lower its drinking age?† There are many sides to this argument but research has given many good points to back up both sides of the question. First thing is the difference between a teen’s brain with alcohol and an adult’s brain with alcohol. Another thing is drinking at a younger age can help teach culture.Read MoreThe Legal Drinking Age For The United States Government Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pagesmultiple policies that should be taken into high consideration for the United States government. However, one specific topic that needs to be addressed is the legal drinking age. As of now, the legal drinking age in America is 21. To some residents, this law is considerably reasonable. To others, having the drinking age of 21 seems unnecessary for multiple reasons. Most people would agree th at having the current drinking age allows for more responsible teens and young adults. Yet in most cases, thisRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age At The United States Of America1698 Words   |  7 Pagesthe legal age to drink alcoholic beverages in the United States of America. Some otherwise intelligent people want to lower the legal drinking age to eighteen rather than keep it at twenty-one, the current federally mandated drinking age. In Time Magazine Mary Cary, author of Time to Lower the Drinking Age, puts forth the position that lowering the drinking age would actually be beneficial to society. Though lowering the drinking age to eighteen may lead to solutions to underage drinking, many

Influence Of The Media And Negative Affect On Black Women

Abstract: Title: Influence of the Media and Negative Affect on Black Women From the beginning of cinema, the media has shown black women as nothing more than objects, dehumanizing them all together. This representation has held a long-lasting impact on both young and old African American women everywhere. The theme of my paper is about the media and how it has a negative impact on black women. The topics that I will be covering includes the following: need to prove the media wrong and working two times as hard as everyone else; social Media, TV and Movies and the roles they play; self-hatred and anger due to the comparisons to other ethnicities and that we are low-class, unattractive, uncivilized, uneducated and have no opportunities to make something of themselves; embracing what Black/ African Studies teaches; influential people and positive acknowledgments; how black women are affected and discouraged due to lack of self-love and knowledge. These impacts can come from another ethnicity and even from the black women themselves because of their lack of kno wledge of where they come from, their history and overall grandness. Knowing these facts alone and embracing all that Black Studies teaches can reverse the damage that has been done to black women everywhere from ages one to one hundred. They begin to believe what they see or what they see on about themselves when it is drilled into their heads that all of what is seen in the media is true. Due to lack of knowledge ofShow MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On Society1293 Words   |  6 PagesMedia is a major contributor of how social groups are perceived in today’s society. Mediais around us every day almost all day, and it constantly sends messages about the world’s environment. There are many indicators shown pertaining to how media really affects society. One of the most prominent explanations of those questions is the way media influences stereotypes. There has been previous research linking media sources and biased attitudes. This research paper explores articles suppo rting mediaRead MoreMedia s Impact On Society956 Words   |  4 PagesThe media, or communication outlets, has a huge part in the racial divide, prejudices, oppressions and discriminations in America. These outlets include newspapers, television, internet, and/or radio. Over the recent years, stereotyping and discrimination has been greatly enhanced by media outlets. Even though the media has enhanced these harmful issues, the media can improve all of the factors by making changes to how they portray different races and ethnicities. â€Å"The media can influence peopleRead MoreThe Black Beauty Myth By Sirena Riley1251 Words   |  6 Pages The author of â€Å"The Black Beauty Myth† Sirena Riley has encountered multiple experiences concerning body image throughout her life. At a young age, she started to feel the pressure to have a perfect body. The struggle of making herself perfect ultimately lead to eating disorders for instance, bulimia and compulsive exercising. In her journey from a young age to her college years she has learned better ways to deal with negative body image through therapy. In her article, she states â€Å"I was in threeRead MoreThe Stereotypes Of African American Females Essay1575 Words   |  7 PagesStereotypes are instilled in us at a young age by our previous experiences and by our parents. Whether they are positive or negative, African American females have to deal with these on a daily basis. Stereotypes often influence the way people view themselves and the way others view them. These are represented in American media, such as commercials and other advertisements. Reflection on Experience After watching one hundred commercials, I found that African American females are represented inRead MoreHow Media Affect Peoples Subconscious Judgments1200 Words   |  5 PagesJenelle Herman ESL 186 06 Dec 2016 How Media Affect People’s Subconscious Judgments Nowadays, society is growing and becoming more modern, so media take a significant role which has a big effect on people’s lives. Media are all the organizations, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, Internet, and more, that provide news and information to the public. The human subconscious mind is considered as information storage. Thus, media influence people’s subconscious daily through news, advertisementsRead MoreHow Media Affect People s Subconscious Judgments1200 Words   |  5 Pages103 26 June 2017 Exploratory Essay How Media Affect People’s Subconscious Judgments Nowadays, society is growing and becoming more modern, so media take a significant role which has a big effect on people’s lives. Media are all the organizations, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, Internet, and more, that provide news and information to the public. The human subconscious mind is considered as information storage. Thus, media influence people’s subconscious daily through news, advertisementsRead MoreAfrican American Stereotypes Reality Television1531 Words   |  7 Pagesgrowth, reality television evokes ideas of social order and cultural norms to its audiences, while perpetuating racial stereotypes in society (Mendible, 2004). My purpose of the review of literature is to examine and analyze reality television’s influence on people’s perceptions of African American stereotypes. Reality Television Reality based television has a broad landscape ranging from competitive game-like shows to programs following the daily lives of a group of people. Every major networkRead MoreMedia Images Influence On Adolescent Girls Self Concept Essay1094 Words   |  5 Pages Melissa Milkie’s article, Media images’ influence on Adolescent Girls’ self-concept, explores forms of media, more specifically magazines directed at teen girls, that effect young girls’ self -concept. Milkie demonstrates how our self-concepts are impacted by what we perceive others think of us and how we use the â€Å"third-person effect† in where we underestimate how much influence the media actually has on ourselves compared to others (54). Some of the major points of the article are the researchRead MoreMedia Portrayal Of Beauty1140 Words   |  5 Pagesare expecting based on published media. Those include, social media, published articles, and even movies and TV shows. The mediaâ⠂¬â„¢s portrayal of beauty has had a generational effect on american society with young people falling victim to unrealistic standards. Failing to participate in these ideals can lead to non acceptance, ostracization, and even bullying due to the unfounded judgements of those who do participate in the beauty standards perpetuated by the media. As a matter of fact, research onRead MoreBeauty Between Beauty And Beauty1140 Words   |  5 Pagesclass, race, and gender. Eventually changing the definition of how beauty is viewed. Beauty however, has become more important to women as majority research focuses on gender difference and the experience of physical attractiveness (Poran 2002). Since the early centuries, there have been numerous attempts to try and adhere to those existing beauty notions (Patton 2002). Women, of course, would follow these beauty standards rigorously. Nevertheless, the constant changes in society have always changed

Corruption free essay sample

Parts of this dissertation have been presented at various conferences and seminars. For their suggestions and comments, I would like to thank Kenneth Binmore, Francesca Carapella, Roozbeh Hosseini, Facundo Piguillem, Evsen ? T? rkay, and the members of the Chari-Jones Workshop, as well as the particiu pants at the III Guanajuato Workshop for Young Economists, the Third Annual Graduate Student Conference at Washington University in St.Louis, the 6th Midwest International Economic Development Conference, the 2009 European School on New Institutional Economics, and the 13th Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics. The chapter titled â€Å"Self-selection of Politicians and Corruption† is written with Evsen T? rkay. ? u i The Department of Economics at the University of Minnesota is blessed with the best staff! They have not only made my life so much easier by taking care of all the bureaucratic processes related to my studies, but also offered me their moral support and encouragement on a daily basis. The laws, documented well in papers, were supposed to ensure freedom and dignity to everyone. But due to some causes and circumstances such as greed, the thing called democracy has turned out to be dissimilar to the old regimes. The circle of corruption and impunity is Just too strong and spreading its roots all over the world. The factor that contributes to the prevalence of corruption differs from country to country. It is like a flood situation. Everyone is in water. Money and power are the only available tiny dry mounts where one can escape. Hence everyone is trampling upon each other to reach there. There is a maddening struggle for grabbing it. It is plain, simple and transparent fact of life, except a small minority, everyone who seek governmental power is doing it for the purpose of amassing wealth, and for ensuring The duty of youth to challenge irruption but unfortunately they are the most that has been affected. One of the reasons for corrupting the youth is giving them the wrong kind of instructions such as telling them to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently. Youth, the constructors of future have been forced to be a part of the system that breathes on bribe and the cancer called corruption that has gone deep down into it. That situation results in most obvious and devastating kind of greed. They get addicted, caught, trapped in the never ending spiral of possessing more and ore. Minds of people should be changed by the prevalence of moral values and we shall try to make the anti-corruption departments more effective. We should try finding the handful of honest people and honored them. Media should be encouraged to take up fundamental causes of strengthening democracy. Moral and religious awareness are also key solutions to this problem. Severe action should be taken against the corrupted bodies. Let us remember it is more difficult to improve a decayed system rather than make a new clean system. Corruption By Aquaria

Platos Allegory of the Cave free essay sample

People’s perception on reality is not always true. Those are mistaken for ideas they believe is reality. This is what Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† was based on. According to the text, the prisoners are sitting in a cave, chained from their legs to their neck so they cannot move. The prisoners are watching images cast on the wall with fire blazing above and behind them. They cannot grasp true reality, which are shadows intentionally made by men. They were forced to have one idea; and if anyone tried to lead a prisoner to the light, they would be killed. A prisoner is soon set free from the chains and forced to watch everything from the outside. He needed much adjustment, but soon he had a much deeper view of reality. When he went back into the cave to explain his new outlook, he was rejected. Plato’s ideas of reality are similar to those of modern situations we have in today’s society such as, childhood myths and fast food restaurants. The prisoners watch these scenes and believe them to be real because this is all they ever see. Even when they talk to each other, these shadows are all they talk about. Plato describes this as the stage of imagination. 2 One day a prisoner is freed from this cave and looks upon the fire and statues that were casting the shadows. The prisoner goes through a confusing period of pain and shock because of all the sudden exposure to light. The prisoner realizes that what he has Just seen is more real than anything else.He realizes how the stories they saw were Just shadows and copies of the real thing. Plato describes this stage in the cave as belief. After this the prisoner is taken outside the cave into the real world. At first the prisoner Is so confused that he only looks at the shadows. But then he realizes where he Is and slowly moves onto the reflections and finally towards the real objects. He sees that these are even more real than the statues and the fire and that the statues were only copies of this. Plato describes this as the prisoner reaching the stage of Hough.The prisoner has finally seen the real forms and starts to think about them. Up into the heavens and sees the sun. He understands that the sun is the reason the world looks like this and that it is the creator of everything that surrounds him. The sun is supposed to represent the Form of the Good and the Plato describes this as the prisoner reaching the stage of understanding. However, the prisoner cannot stay in the real world forever. He needs to return to the cave and help the other prisoners find their way to reality.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quality of Employee Performance in the Workplace

The quality of employee performance is one of the most important aspects of management in a workplace. Many aspects of management determine the quality of employee performance in the workplace. These include the style of management, management systems that have been put in place, employee motivation, and the work environment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Quality of Employee Performance in the Workplace specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More First, the style of management that managers adopt at the workplace determines the quality of performance of employees. Performance is boosted by involvement of employees in the decision-making process, equal treatment, effective communication, and encouragement of innovation and creativity. Employee performance improves when employees are allowed to make organizational decisions in their fields and allowed practice their creativity and innovativeness. Good managers allow employe es to decide what is fit for them in the workplace. They neither dictate nor command, and they encourage open discussions and sharing of information. This motivates employees and creates a sense of belonging and value, which helps to improve performance. Secondly, developing an appropriate work environment is an important aspect in determining the quality of employee performance. Managers should establish workplace rules and regulations that motivate employees to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. In addition, the quality of values, norms, and the corporate culture determine the quality of performance. Employees follow the rules and regulations that govern employee behavior and performance at the workplace. Therefore, managers should consider employee needs and preferences when establishing rules and regulations to govern them at the workplace. The workplace environment should encourage employee freedom, creativity, and individual initiative without creating a f eeling of restriction or limitation. Thirdly, motivation is a vital aspect of employee performance. Motivated employees work harder, provide high quality customer service, are more creative and innovative, handle challenges effectively, and are good problem solvers. Managers can use several methods to motivate employees. These include employee recognition, rewards, and training.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Recognition and rewards are two of the most commonly methods used by managers to improve performance. These two methods create a feeling of being valued by an organization and as such, motivate employees to work more. Incentives such as free memberships to health clubs, free holiday trips, and personal days help employees to relax, spend time with their families, and reduce work related stress. This leads to improved employee performance. Fourthly, developing managemen t systems such as education, training, and development is vital. Employee training helps employees to know and understand what they are expected to do in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. These systems should provide the necessary tools and skills that help to improve employee performance. Developing the skills of employees is important in motivating them. Managers should establish employee development courses that ensure that employees constantly engage in activities that improve their skills and performance at the workplace. Appropriate employee behavior is vital in ensuring good customer service. From a manager’s perspective, employees should be honest, kind, polite and patient in order to offer high quality customer service. Customers have different personalities and it is important for employees to know how to deal with different personalities. Employees should listen to customer complaints and feedback and respond appropriately. This is vita l in efforts to create customer loyalty. Employees should also research on customer needs and preferences in order for them to serve them better. Politeness and kindness make customers feel respected and valued by an organization. Employee training should include methods of ensuring high quality customer service. This essay on Quality of Employee Performance in the Workplace was written and submitted by user Finnegan Gallegos to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Lnat Sample Essay Answers

Lnat Sample Essay AnswersThe Lnat sample essay answers are given by the professors and those who write the essays so that the students can easily answer the questions that they may have. This is done by giving the samples so that the students will know how to answer the question when they find it in the essay.However, there are some students who do not get the essay answers. There are also some who get the essay answers wrong and give an incorrect answer. This happens mostly when the question does not make sense and also when the answer is not what the professor wanted.In order to know if the student's essay is correct or not, one should check for the Lnat sample essay answers that are given. The sample essays are prepared by the professors so that the students who do the essays can easily answer the questions posed by the professors. As a result, the students can do their own essays without any difficulty.Sometimes, the students who do the Lnat essays may get confused with the quest ion asked. They may have an incorrect or wrong answer because of the question asked by the professor. When this happens, it is really good for the students to check for the Lnat sample essay answers that are given by the professors so that they will be able to figure out the way to answer the question correctly.Also, checking for the Lnat sample essay answers will help the students decide which essay answer will be suitable for the question that is being asked. Since the essay answers are already prepared, it will be easy for the students to do their own essay.The Lnat essay answers are given by different types of professors. Therefore, the students can do their own essay and can answer the question asked by the professor.Another thing that the students should know is that there are different types of essay that are being prepared by the professors. Some of the things that they ask for include the type of essay, topic, academic and gender. Students should know about all these things so that they will be able to answer the question correctly.As a result, the students will be able to get the answers right without any difficulty. They will know the reason behind the choices that they have made.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Range of Statistical Data Sets

The Range of Statistical Data Sets In statistics and mathematics, the range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values of a data set and serve as one of two important features of a data set. The formula for a range is the maximum value minus the minimum value in the dataset, which provides statisticians with a better understanding of how varied the data set is. Two important features of a data set include the center of the data and the spread of the data, and the center can be ​measured in a number of ways: the most popular of these are the mean, median, mode, and midrange, but in a similar fashion, there are different ways to calculate how spread out the data set is and the easiest and crudest measure of spread is called the range. The calculation of the range is very straightforward. All we need to do is find the difference between the largest data value in our set and the smallest data value. Stated succinctly we have the following formula: Range Maximum Value–Minimum Value. For example, the data set 4,6,10, 15, 18 has a maximum of 18, a minimum of 4 and a range of 18-4 14. Limitations of Range The range is a very crude measurement of the spread of data because it is extremely sensitive to outliers, and as a result, there are certain limitations to the utility of a true range of a data set to statisticians because a single data value can greatly affect the value of the range. For example, consider the set of data 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8. The maximum value is 8, the minimum is 1 and the range is 7. Then consider the same set of data, only with the value 100 included. The range now becomes 100-1 99 wherein the addition of a single extra data point greatly affected the value of the range. The standard deviation is another measure of spread that is less susceptible to outliers, but the drawback is that the calculation of the standard deviation is much more complicated. The range also tells us nothing about the internal features of our data set. For example, we consider the data set 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10 where the range for this data set is 10-1 9.  If we then compare this to the data set of 1, 1, 1, 2, 9, 9, 9, 10. Here the range is, yet again, nine, however, for this second set and unlike the first set, the data is clustered around the minimum and maximum. Other statistics, such as the first and third quartile, would need to be used to detect some of this internal structure. Applications of Range The range is a good way to get a very basic understanding of how spread out numbers in the data set really are because it is easy to calculate as it only requires a basic arithmetic operation, but there are also a few other applications of the range of a data set in statistics. The range can also be used to estimate another measure of spread, the standard deviation. Rather than go through a fairly complicated formula to find the standard deviation, we can instead use what is called the range rule. The range is fundamental in this calculation. The range also occurs in a boxplot, or box and whiskers plot. The maximum and minimum values are both graphed at the end of the whiskers of the graph and the total length of the whiskers and box is equal to the range.

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Allogeneic MCSs to make Cartilage for Knee Function

Allogeneic MCSs to make Cartilage for Knee Function    INTRODUCTION: – 1.1 What is Osteoarthritis? Articular cartilage is a highly resilient hyaline tissue composed of chondrocytes and surrounded by extracellular matrix present in a joint which act as shock absorber, protects the bones from the friction and wear and helps in smooth movement of the joint (Bhumiratana et al. 2014). Osteoarthritis is a disease of joint where lack of cartilage causes musculoskeletal pain and restriction of the movement or disability of the joint for the patient. (Ahmed and Hincke, 2010) (Duthey, 2015). Reasons for cartilage damage are: – The impact / blow caused during sport activities or accident Wear and tear because of overuse of a joint (Observed in elderly people) Lack of movement (Medical News Today, 2017) Figure No.1. Osteoarthritis Affected Region Image Source: – Osteoarthritis can affect any joint present in the body. As the knee-joint Osteoarthritis is the most commo n type of Osteoarthritis, in this report, we will discuss about knee-joint Osteoarthritis only. Tibiofemoral and patellofemoral are the two articular surfaces that the knee consists of. As it can be seen in the below image, the damaged cartilage, reduces the gap between joint and friction is generated between the bones which ultimately results in bone erosion and causes muscle pain or inflammation or restriction to the movement. Figure No.2. Osteoarthritis affected Knee Image Source: – Osteoarthritis is estimated to affect 250 million people worldwide. Osteoarthritis sufferers include men and women, children and adults. And according to World Health Organization, 30% of men and women over the age of 65 have Osteoarthritis (Woolf and Pfleger, 2003). Worldwide, 9.6% of men and 18.0% of women over the age of 60 years have symptomatic Osteoarthritis. Approximately 80% of those with Osteoarthritis will have limit ations in movement, and 25% cannot perform their major activities of daily life (Duthey, 2015). Figure No.3. Prevalence of Osteoarthritis of Knee Image Source: – Burden of major musculoskeletal conditions, Bulletin of the WHO 2003 1.2 Treatments available for Osteoarthritis: – There are various ways to cure Osteoarthritis when it is at the initial level, such as: – Exercise and weight loss Bracing Medication Viscosupplementation Nutritional supplements (Duthey, 2015). But when it becomes incurable by exercise and medication, surgical operations must be performed. Surgical procedures include: – Debridement i.e. Smoothening of the cartilage using surgical instruments Marrow Stimulation, a treatment which helps in regrowth of cartilage in the joint (but this process is less reliable) (Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis in the Knee, 2017). Mosaicplasty, a process where the cartilage from some other joint of body is used. But this process h as size limitations (Medical News Today, 2017). Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation, a treatment in which a small part of no-load bearing cartilage is removed from the joint of the patient by Arthroscopy, regrown and multiplied in the laboratory and then implanted back in the body by a procedure called arthrotomy. (Cartilage Repair, 2017) (Ahmed and Hincke, 2010) (Duthey, 2015). Even though the Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation seems effective and easy, it has many disadvantages such as: – The patient’s cartilage sample must be removed by a medical procedure, marked/tagged and treated separately just like blood sample. This treatment requires big Logistics and Supply Chain. It requires a lot of time (approximately 6 weeks) for cells to multiply. Hence, till then the patient will suffer from pain (Peretti et al. 2000). 1.3 Proposed Treatment for Osteoarthritis: –

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Gay adoption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gay adoption - Essay Example †). This limited scope of adoption is contrary to the legal rights that the validity of gay marriage protects. If the couple find themselves free to openly love one another, why are the laws of the land preventing them from doing what comes naturally to a married couple? That of starting a family. Admittedly, same sex couples are not biologically capable of impregnating one or the other in order to achieve a naturally formed family. We also must admit that as a society there are still millions of children housed in adoption institutions or foster care systems looking for a good home. Good homes are hard to find these days, even with heterosexual couples. So why not give the same sex couples a try? Why not allow them to adopt a child and prove that they too can be exemplary parents to their children, even though they may not share the same bloodline? These adopted children need loving homes, who is to say that a a same sex home cannot provide that? What exactly are the reasons t hat our society still has inhibitions when it comes to allowing same sex couple to adopt? This paper aims to look at the arguments both for and against same sex adoptions with the full intention of providing factual information that will prove that allowing same sex adoptions will prove beneficial to the child and therefore, should be legally allowed across the United States. Let me begin this discussion by presenting the con side of the argument. These arguments range from psychological in nature, all the way to religious defenses. Whatever the argument presented, these non-supporters of the gay adoption cause do so on the same grounds, they are little informed and truly homophobic in nature which is why they are opposed to the love of a same sex couple being shared with a child who wants nothing more than the same. Politicians such as the United Kingdom's Independence party candidate Winston McKenzie has declared that gay adoption should be likened to child abuse and is a violatio n of a child's human rights. Mr. McKenzi claims that there is an abuse of the child's rights because; â€Å"that child has no opportunity to grow up under normal circumstances... There are people out there who bring up their kids encouraging them to believe they are gay themselves. † (Chorley. Matt â€Å"Allowing Gay Couples to Adopt Is a Form of Child Abuse, Says UKIP Election Candidate). It is important to note that Mr. McKenzie is a Christian with anti-gay sentiments therefore same sex adoption was against his religious beliefs. Aside from religious points of view such as Mr. McKenzie's the cause for gay adoption was not helped by the June 29 news that gay father Frank Lombard sexually molested his 5 year old adopted son. Reports coming from the Associated Press indicate that this is a disturbing trend that is emerging from a scientific literature about gay fathers. According to reports: â€Å"The Arrest Warrant documents that Lombard sodomized one of his two adopted Afr ican-American sons and made the boy give him oral sex on-line† (Cameron, Paul Dr. â€Å"Lombard Demonstrates Why Gays Should Not Be Allowed to Adopt†). The main fear of the psychological community is that children in same sex adopted homes are dangerously exposed to child molestation due to the queer lifestyle of the adopted parents. In the peer-reviewed Psychological Reports journal, Dr. Paul Cameron of the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Case Analysis of Golden Year Village Research Paper

Case Analysis of Golden Year Village - Research Paper Example CCRC or ‘Continuing Care retirement Community’ projects have evolved as standalone industries that meet the growing demands of healthcare issues of people in their post retirement period. The Golden Years Village is a CCRC project that primarily provides multifaceted post retirement healthcare services to elderly population above sixty years of age in Portsmouth, Pennsylvania. The paper would discuss the project as ‘for profit organization’, using SWOT analysis. Key strategic factors of Golden Years Village Strengths GYV has more than 29 years of experience in the area of meeting the healthcare needs of elder population and understands the myriad problems of old age It runs cost effective programs that give residents options of individual services and housing facilities as well as meeting their wider needs of personal requirements of assisted living and personalized nursing. The vast campus of GYV is also equipped with state of the art recreational activitie s which help the residents to de-stress and actively enjoy life. Uses technology to enhance operational efficiency. Despite previous losses, its profitability indicator is better than its rivals. Weakness Due to stringent government rules and regulation, cannot increase prices of its product to meet the increasingly higher cost of healthcare deliverable. The organizational structure is mechanistic and prefers stability and resists change. The centralized power significantly reduces empowered decision making capabilities of employees which adversely impacts performance and efficiency. Does not have strategic market plans for its products and mainly relies on word to mouth publicity as its major market ploy. It lacks financial resources to meet new challenges Opportunities The increasing number of aged population offers huge opportunities to expand its products to suit the growing demands of the people. Threat The major threat is from the new entrants that are ‘for profitâ€℠¢ organizations and who are better equipped to offer customized packages to customers. Wider implications of key strategic factors Golden Years Village is endowed with sprawling area and has expert human competencies that can utilize space and become more creative in their products and services. Ward et al. (1984) claim that 20% of the population is between the age group (60-69) while 65% is above 80 years of age! With increased life expectancy, population of elderly has rapidly grown. Hence there are huge opportunities for GYV to expand its products and services to meet the fast changing preferences of elderly population. The advancing technology has created more awareness amongst aged people and empowered people with myriad options. At the same time, awareness has also resulted in advance planning of post retirement period. GHY therefore should introduce new products that meet the changing requirements of people. People want to be more active and maintain healthy lifestyle. Hence, introducing alternative healthcare imperatives like yoga, meditation, naturopathy etc, would be hugely attractive as they offer holistic healing that takes into consideration the physical, mental and social aspect of the individuals. Ernst et al. (2004) have defined alternative medicine as diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention which complements mainstream by contributing and satisfying a demand that is neither met by convention nor by widening the conceptual frameworks of medicine. It helps people with better sense of wellbeing. Since, CCRC has emerged as an

Friday, January 24, 2020

Marijuana Should Be Legalized for Medicinal Purposes Essay -- Argument

Marijuana Should Be Legalized for Medicinal Purposes How would most Americans react if the law allowed the use of heroin, LSD, or amphetamines for medical purposes? Many of us would react in disbelief mainly because of the effects of these powerful and addictive drugs. However, in Arizona the law permits the use of heroin, LSD, and amphetamines for medicinal purposes, yet the medicinal use of marijuana remains illegal in the United States ("Facts"). Because marijuana is categorized as a Schedule 1 drug under the federal Controlled Substance Act ("Issues"), physicians cannot legally prescribe it. The national debate on the effectiveness of marijuana as medicine is divided between those who advocate marijuana's medicinal value and those who dismiss the claim that marijuana poses any medicinal value. Although many regard the use of medicinal marijuana as a hoax, there is evidence to the contrary that helps to create a substantial argument as to marijuana's ability to provide effective relief from certain symptoms of disease. Patients of t erminal or critical illnesses should be allowed, under the care and supervision of a physician, the option of using marijuana for medicinal purposes. First and foremost, the medical value of marijuana is primarily a means of relief from the symptoms associated with diseases themselves and their treatments, not a cure. Therefore, its therapeutic values are not based on a particular disease, but rather the symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and anorexia caused by loss of appetite and chronic pain. The exact reason why marijuana relieves such symptoms is not known but most likely lies in its organic composition and ingredients. Marijuana is made up of over 400 organic chemicals, 60 of which are... ...arijuana: the struggle for legalization." CNN Interactive. 1 Dec. 2013. * "What is the treatment cost of medical marijuana vs. the cost of Merinol?" 2 Dec. 2013. * "Clinical Pharmacology of Marijuana." Workshop on the Medical Utility of Marijuana. 1 Dec. 2013. * "Medical Value and Use: Do many physicians support medical marijuana?" Medical Marijuana procon. 1 Dec. 2013. * "Medical Value and Use: What are the benefits and risks of Merinol vs. marijuana?" Medical Marijuana procon. 2 Dec. 2013.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Wiesel Interview Journal

What acts of inhumanity are still occurring in the world? What lessons from the Holocaust still need to be learned? The Holocaust, which also known as Shah, was a genocide in which approximately 11 million people died, including 6 million Jews that were brutally abused and killed by the German military, under the command of Doll Hitler. This is a shameful and scandalous episode of humanity history, Is â€Å"Not of one crime but thousands of crimes done every day, not of one cruelty but millions of cruelties†, as an anonymous reviewer on Amazon stated.Ell Wisest, a survivor of this horrifying event, has published 47 books, Including his book Night which retelling his shocking experience, what he had to go through In the Auschwitz concentration camp. He later won the Nobel Peace prize. Although concentration camps have been liberated by American troops In 1945, the consequences are still there. Survivors were badly affected by diseases, starvation, etc. There are still thousands of Inhumanity actions around the globe, even nowadays.For example, a few tribes allow men to rape young girls, which is against man's rights. Also, human trafficking, torturing, school shootings, child abuse, etc. The infamous 201 2 Delhi gang rape in which the victim, Kyoto Sings Pander, was raped and murdered, died from her injuries 13 days later. This made people questioned about women's rights in India. The incident was widespread throughout India and worldwide, uprising the numbers of protests against the state and central governments.So, we know that there are uncountable crimes are occurring in the world, and many of them are not being report or uncover Like Lie said in his interview with Opera, that â€Å"We must not forget about the victims [Holocaust's victims] who had lay down, for the next generation. For ours, we hear you. † Lessons that still need to be learned from the Holocaust, are the importance of Holocaust remembrance, and the responsibility to bring war criminals to Justice. Ender each name was an identity, and beneath it was its own story. Every person has their own one, and we must not forget them. We must not forget the mass murder of 6 million Jews, including 1 million children. We must bring the murderers to the light of justice. Also, we must educate the younger generation about the Holocaust, to honor the victims' name. To throw light on the still obscured shadows of the Holocaust.To plant the seeds of the better future amidst the soil of a bitter past. To respect those survivors who are still among us, and to reaffirm humanity's common knowledge and about understanding and Justice. By hacking command of Doll Hitler. This is a shameful and scandalous episode of humanity's history, is â€Å"Not of one crime but thousands of crimes done every day, not of one cruelty but millions of cruelties†, as an anonymous reviewer on Amazon stated.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Living In The Wild - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1094 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/03/28 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Into The Wild Essay Did you like this example? When we are tired of our society, being close to nature is a very good choice. The protagonist of Into The Wild hates the rules of society and choose to go to the wild. Into The Wild, written by Jon Krakauer, was about Chris McCandless, who took a long trip to explore the wild of Alaska and met many interesting friends on the way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Living In The Wild" essay for you Create order Although he finally starved to death in the wilderness, he was very happy on this journey because there were no rules, and there was absolute freedom. Alice Walker said that In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and theyre still beautiful. In other words, people might think of nature as not perfect because there are fierce predators, insects that contains disease, strange trees, and uncomfortable living environment. However, on the other hand, there are people loving the nature because there was no hustle and bustle of the city and no restriction of rules. There could forget all your worries and do whatever you want. Chris McCandless was one of them. Although many people thought living in the wild is dangerous and uncomfortable, he found it perfect because he could stay away from his family conflicts, the fetters of rules, and enjoying his encounters with new experiences. McCandless had a very complicated family, and the relationship between he and his parents was one of the reasons why he wanted to live alone in the wild. Imagine how an extreme controlling father could get along well with an extravagant independent son. Moreover, his father had other families outside, which violated ethics. Therefore, he chosen to leave the family and live alone in the wild. According to this book, He brooded at length over what he perceived to be his fathers moral shortcoming, the hypocrisy of his parents lifestyle, the tyranny of their conditional love. Eventually, Chris rebelled-and when he finally did, it was with characteristic immoderation. This means that He could not stand his parents anymore and wanted to completely knock them out of his life. Thats why he said that their parents behavior was so irrational, so oppressive, disrespectful an insulting that I finally passed my breaking point. He hated his fathers control and his familys plans for his future. He felt that he was just like a bird in a cage. Thus, he decided to stay away from the family, and he is living into the wild now. Although some people may think that this was not a good idea because there was no one to care for him, it was easy for him to forget the worries that his father caused by his two wives and to stay away from his fathers control over him. Nobody could tie him down here. He could enjoy the freedom brought by nature. Natural disasters are inevitable in nature, but they are opportunities for McCandless to get rid of society. When he was driving in the jungle, car which seemed to be convenient became very heavy. Not only cars but also other modern products had become very useless in the wild. According to this book, Instead of feeling distraught over this turn of events, moreover, McCandless was exhilarated: He saw the flash flood as an opportunity to shed unnecessary baggage.(29) In other words, High-tech products in the wild had become a fetter to McCandless. Thus, he used the flood to throw away all those tools, leaving only necessary supplies. It was also a symbol of his desire to break away from society and get close to nature. Natural disasters that frighten others become a way for him to fulfill his dream. Without the bondage of these things, he could enjoy the endless freedom brought to him by nature. Money in society is very important. People think nature is not perfect because they cannot get money from wild. However, McCandless doesnt care about money. Money was a fetter to him. According to this book, Then, in a gesture that would have done both Thoreau and Tolstoy proud, he arranged all his paper currently in a pile on the sand-a pathetic little stack of ones and fives and twenties-and put a match to it. One hundred twenty-three dollars in legal tender was promptly reduced to ash and smoke. In other words, in nature he could get everything he wanted. Money became useless here. He didnt want money to disturb his natural time. Some people see nature as dangerous, but for McCandless, nature is very beautiful because he feels tried of social hypocrisy and yearn for a simple life. According to this book, McCandless was stirred by the austerity of landscape, by its saline beauty. The desert sharpened the sweet ache of his longing, amplified it, gave shape to it in sere geology and clean slant of light. A big temperature difference and an extreme lack of water made desert very dangerous in peoples minds. However, he was attracted to the saline land. Here, massive dunes stretched in every direction as far as the eye could see, for him, it was beautiful. It was this feeling of no restraint that moved him and made him feel comfortable. Life in the wild required great care every day, but McCandless was deeply attracted to the life where he had new experiences every day. According to this book, If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty. In other words, he thought the joy of life is in experiencing something new every day. And nature satisfied his idea. In the wild, McCandless never knew what would happen next second. Others thought it was irrational to live alone in the wild because it was hard to have a comfortable and fixed place to live. He thought that the wandering life in the wild would be a surprise every day. Thats why he said that Dont settle down and sit in one place. Move around, be nomadic, make each day a new horizon. It was this novelty that made him willing to live in the wild to enrich his personal experience. To summarize, living in the wild made him forget his family problems and social rules, enjoy his freedom and enrich his experience, which made him think the nature that others fear and awe was very beautiful.